Trade Marks

We offer a full service international trade marks practice specialising in Caribbean trade marks, especially trade marks in the Cayman Islands – where we are based. Ours is one of the largest and most competitive trade mark filing practices in the Caribbean. Our team of highly skilled attorneys, paralegals and assistants provide an unbeatable service from application through to registration with the majority of work completed on a fixed fee basis. We manage the international portfolios of a range of prestigious clients worldwide. We also offer advice on the exploitation of trade marks and the drafting of assignment and licence agreements on a time-spent basis. We are well equipped to handle enforcement matters, including infringements and anti-counterfeiting disputes, as well as objections and oppositions in the Registry context. Our in-depth local knowledge and experience helps clients achieve their goals efficiently and cost effectively.

Key Contact

Huw Moses
Managing Partner – Intellectual Property
Tel: 1 345 815 7400