Terms & Conditions
All information on this website, including but not limited to designs, logos, text, graphics, information architecture, coding and documents is the property of the HSM Group (the “Group”) and is protected by copyright. The copyright and all intellectual property in the content are owned by the Group and/or its licensors. You may view or download the content and make copies for your personal use or circulation within your organisation provided all copies are complete, unaltered and the Group is acknowledged as the source. If you wish to use the information for any other purpose, you must obtain our prior written consent by emailing info@hsmoffice.com.
You may not create any electronic links to this website without our prior written consent. Please send any such requests to info@hsmoffice.com. The linked sites included in this website (if any) are included for convenience only. The Group is not responsible for the content of these websites and do not accept any liability arising from the use of those sites.
The content of this website is for general information purposes only. No other use of the content is permitted without the prior written consent of the Group, which can be requested by emailing info@hsmoffice.com. The use of this website or any of its content does not create an attorney client relationship.
Governing law
These terms and conditions and the use of this website shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Cayman Islands.
Legal Services
The terms and conditions relating to the provision of legal services by HSM Chambers and HSM IP Ltd. are available upon request from info@hsmoffice.com.