HSM is a distinguished full-service law firm in the Cayman Islands, specialising in litigation, property, insolvency/restructuring, corporate and commercial law, immigration, private client and trusts, labour and employment law and debt collection.

We provide legal services to top financial institutions and leading businesses established and/or operating in the Cayman Islands.

With competitive rates and a highly skilled team of attorneys, we are well positioned to meet your legal needs. We exemplify accessibility and accountability and believe in providing value in an open and transparent manner.

HSM offers unique insight into legal issues, a broad perspective, practical approach and a wealth of international experience. Some of our attorneys have also been admitted in the following jurisdictions but are not practicing: the British Virgin Islands, Trinidad & Tobago, the United Kingdom and Ireland.

We are also experienced in all types of local transactions and as a result we enjoy the unique competitive advantage of being able to manage related but distinct transactions that demand an in depth knowledge of various local laws. This advantage allows us to provide our clients with a seamless integrated approach to achieving a highly successful conclusion to their transactions.

We are committed to maintaining a close relationship with our clients whilst continually seeking to enhance our delivery of legal services.


30/12/2024 | HSM LAW

Privy Council Judgment Clarifies Protections for Shareholders in the Cayman Islands

On 14 November 2024, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council handed down a landmark decision in Tianrui (International) Holding Company Ltd v China Shanshui Cement Group Ltd (Cayman Islands) [2024] UKPC 36. This ruling overruled the Grand Court of Read more +

28/11/2024 | HSM LAW

HSM Onboards 10 Students to 2024-25 Internship Programme

The HSM Group is proud to once again offer a legal internship for the 2024/25 academic year in partnership with the Cayman Islands Further Education Centre (CIFEC). The team at HSM has welcomed 10 interns: Ahmoya Morrison, Nashla Evans McCoy, Read more +

26/11/2024 | HSM LAW

Cayman Islands Immigration Update – November 2024

As a result of a recent Freedom of Information request to Customs and Border Control (“CBC”) it has come to the attention of HSM Chambers that as of August 2024 there are 19,607 people who are currently subject to a Read more +